Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ramble Rumble

A blind man can't love a rainbow. He can only love the idea of a rainbow.

A read a lot this past week. I was home in St. Louis for spring break. I took things really slow and savored all the things that probably weren't healthy for me to savor. Things like Dr. Pepper, loss of consciousness and imaginary dinosaur battles in my head. All good things, I guess. But when clung to for a week, they start to go bad. I ended up writing a lot of "poetry". It really was just me rambling incoherently on a blank page for a couple of hours. But it was so cathartic and relaxing that I had that Saturday sofa feeling. You know the one? Where you sit there content, doing nothing, and you kind of just baste in your own inactivity? That's a good way to describe the majority of my break.

I've still been thinking a lot about honesty and how I lack it in all of my various facets. Those gaping defeciencies are probably why I took to writing. Probably why I haven't been able to stop.

"The Christian is the one who's imagination should fly beyond the stars." - Francis Schaeffer.

Then, what in the world is the church doing with the arts these days? I ask you.

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